Interior Design

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Course Description

The Interior Design course offers a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of interior design. Participants will learn about space planning, color theory, furniture selection, lighting design, and various styles and trends in interior design. The course aims to equip students with the skills necessary to create aesthetically pleasing, functional, and sustainable interior spaces.

Who is this course for?

  • Aspiring interior designers and decorators.
  • Homeowners looking to redesign their living spaces.
  • Professionals in related fields such as architecture, real estate, and furniture design.
  • Anyone with a passion for interior design and decoration.

Course Goals

  • Understand the fundamental principles of interior design.
  • Develop skills in space planning and furniture arrangement.
  • Learn about color theory and its application in interior spaces.
  • Gain proficiency in selecting and coordinating furniture, fixtures, and finishes.
  • Understand the impact of lighting on interior spaces.
  • Explore various design styles and trends.


  • No prior experience in interior design is required.
  • Basic drawing and sketching skills are helpful but not necessary.
  • Introduction to Interior Design
    • Overview of interior design: definitions, history, and evolution.
    • The role and responsibilities of an interior designer.
    • Key concepts and principles of interior design.
  • Space Planning and Layout
    • Fundamentals of space planning.
    • Creating functional layouts for different types of spaces (residential, commercial).
    • Understanding human scale and ergonomics.
  • Color Theory and Application
    • Basics of color theory and psychology.
    • Choosing color schemes and palettes.
    • Applying color to create mood and atmosphere.
  • Furniture and Fixtures
    • Selecting and arranging furniture.
    • Understanding different furniture styles and periods.
    • Choosing fixtures and fittings for various spaces.
  • Lighting Design
    • Types of lighting (ambient, task, accent).
    • Planning and designing effective lighting schemes.
    • The impact of natural and artificial light on interior spaces.
  • Materials and Finishes
    • Overview of materials used in interior design (wood, metal, fabric, etc.).
    • Selecting appropriate finishes for walls, floors, and ceilings.
    • Sustainable and eco-friendly material choices.
  • Design Styles and Trends
    • Exploring various interior design styles (modern, traditional, eclectic, etc.).
    • Staying updated with current trends in interior design.
    • Mixing and matching styles effectively.
  • Textiles and Accessories
    • Selecting and coordinating textiles (upholstery, drapery, rugs).
    • Using accessories to enhance interior spaces.
    • The role of artwork and decor in interior design.
  • Project Management and Client Relations
    • Managing interior design projects from concept to completion.
    • Working with clients and understanding their needs.
    • Budgeting and sourcing materials and furnishings.
  • Final Project
    • Developing a comprehensive interior design project.
    • Creating detailed plans, mood boards, and presentations.
    • Presenting the final project and receiving feedback.
  • Comprehensive Learning: Covers all essential aspects of interior design, from space planning to final decoration.
  • Hands-On Practice: Practical exercises and real-world projects to build hands-on experience.
  • Color and Lighting Mastery: Focus on the impact of color and lighting on interior spaces.
  • Material and Furniture Selection: Skills in selecting and coordinating materials, furniture, and finishes.
  • Design Styles Exploration: Exposure to various design styles and current trends.
  • Project Management Skills: Techniques for managing interior design projects and working with clients.
  • Portfolio Development: Helps participants develop a portfolio of interior design projects.
  • Final Project: Allows participants to apply learned skills to a comprehensive interior design project and present their work.

About this Course

  • Duration 4 Weeks
  • Certificate on Completion
  • Level Beginner
  • Price UGX 450,000 350,000

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