Digital Marketing & Business Planning

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 After the completion you can get an internship


  • What is digital marketing?
  • Importance of digital marketing
  • Difference between traditional and digital marketing
  • Recent trends and current scenario of the industry
  • How digital marketing has been a tool of success for companies?
  • How to use digital marketing to increase sales
  • How to conduct a competitive analysis?
  • Case studies on digital marketing strategies
  • Website Planning
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing & Strategy
  • Web Analytics
  • Digital Media Planning and Buying
  • Web Remarketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Design Essentials
  • Mobile Marketing
  • E-Commerce Management
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Adsense, Blogging, and Affiliate Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Marketing Automation, Influencer & Podcast Marketing
  • Introduction to Agency
  • The Art of Pitching
  • Client-Oriented Strategy
  • Campaign Creation for Client
  • Reporting and Evaluation
  • Soft & Hard Skills
  • Marketing Tips
  • How To Write A Business Plan
  • How To Calculate The Cost of A Business
  • How To Fund Your Business
  • How To Pick Up A Location For Your Business
  • How To Choose A Name For Your Business
  • Decision Analysis
  • Creativity In Marketing
  • Implementing A New Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Developing A Marketing Budget
  • Guide To A Successful Marketing Campaign
  • Event Management
  • Business Planning And Development


  • Experience
  • Age Should 12 Years or Above
  1. Introduction to Digital Marketing
  2. Executive Skills
  3. Special Test
  4. Did You Know
  5. Managerial Skills
  6. Case Studies
  7. Other
  8. Final Test
  • Comprehensive market research and analysis to identify target audience and competition.
  • Developing a strong online presence through website optimization, social media marketing, and content creation.
  • Implementing effective SEO strategies to improve search engine rankings and increase organic traffic.
  • Utilizing data analytics to track and measure marketing performance and make data-driven decisions.
  • Creating compelling and engaging content to attract and retain customers.
  • Building and managing email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and drive conversions.
  • Leveraging social media platforms for brand awareness, customer engagement, and influencer partnerships.
  • Implementing pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns to drive immediate traffic and conversions.
  • Using marketing automation tools to streamline and personalize customer communication.
  • Incorporating mobile marketing strategies to target the growing mobile user base.
  • Developing a cohesive branding strategy to establish a strong brand identity and message.
  • Conducting competitor analysis to identify market trends and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Setting clear and measurable goals for marketing campaigns and regularly evaluating performance.
  • Creating a detailed business plan that outlines goals, strategies, and financial projections.
  • Conducting SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to assess the business environment.
  • Defining target markets and segments to tailor marketing efforts for maximum effectiveness.
  • Developing a pricing strategy that aligns with the target market and product positioning.
  • Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress towards business goals.
  • Implementing effective customer relationship management (CRM) systems to manage customer interactions.
  • Continuously adapting and evolving marketing strategies based on market trends and consumer behavior.

About this Course

  • Duration 4 Weeks
  • Certificate on Completion
  • Level Beginner
  • Price UGX 450,000 400,000

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